ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Hello Baby!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hello Baby!

What's your process for getting ready for a night out and how do you protect yourself from meeting the wrong person. I'm sure if you've ever gone out to a bar, party or club you have been hit on by some lame ducks. You know the guy that comes up with the "Where you've been all my life" guy, what's the worst pick up line you have ever heard, one so bad you walk away or just burst out laughing. Of course you start out by getting your Extreme Style by VO5. Now sometimes you will get lucky and meet someone out their and things will work out. My wife and I flirted with the idea of getting together for over a year and just when we both thought it would never happen and moved on we met up one night and realized we were only fooling our selves we ended our relationships and within a week we were together in blissful Victory Hair moments and haven't been seperated since. Where do you meet that special someone, these days a lot of people meet online, checkout the Ultimate Flirting Championship where you can try out your flirting abilities and see if you can make a special connection with someone.

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