ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Political Crisis

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Political Crisis

What a humourous situation when someone gets caught calling the kettle black. The other day at a press conferance the New York Govener Silverton stood there very serious with his wife by his side and announced that he had extra marital affairs, amazing as this is the type of thing that he campaigned so strongly against and cracked down on so hard through his term. I can only imagaine the humiliation he must be feeling knowing he has destroyed his entire career and reputation for a "meaningless" fling with a prostitute. Even more interesting what would be going through his wife's mind while she stood there apparently supporting him through these announcements, but really she must be going crazy in her mind. The restraint shown here was incredible. It's a shame when politicians can't be trusted and even worse the ones that seem like they are on the up and up and are working hard for change normally turn out to be the worst. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have politicians that represent the people and uphold a strong social standing.

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