ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Home Renovations

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Home Renovations

How are you with home renovation projects? When we start a project in the house we work on it until it is finished. I was thinking today sitting here at my in-laws house actually in the bathroom, when I first started dating my wife 10 years ago they had not finished their bathroom yet. To this day it's still not finished, the wall paper is still ripped off the wall, no molding around the door etc etc. Nothing has changed in 10 years wouldn't this drive you absolutely insane. When you actually go through the house there isn't 1 room that is complete in the house my wife...their daughter would drive me nuts if I left jobs like this un-done for even a week or two... she obviously fell far away from the tree. Luckily for me I suppose anyway tell me what you think about home renovation projects.

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