ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome you know how debilitating this can be. The pain can be unbearable and it can be very difficult to just complete ordinary tasks. In it's early stages it begins with tingling and numbness in the fingers and as it develops it turns into terrible pain. For a long time Surgery has been the only real option for relief for severe sufferers but through reserch and development with leading orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Ian MacMorran there is now a real option for carpal tunnel relief. The team at IMAK has developed the SmartGlove which features massaging ergoBeads, a flexible support splint and breathable cotton Lycra material for all day comfort and use. This SmartGlove is guaranteed to provide comfort and relief from the symptoms that cause CTS. Living with CTS can be so difficult before opting for the surgery and putting yourself through months of recovery time you owe it to yourself to try this option first. You don't have to suffer through the inability to grasp, or pick up items or do the things you love to do for work, typing, blogging etc you can do them all just by using the SmartGlove to ad the protection and increase the circulation through the wrist area. Stop living in pain and take back your life today by finding the retailer near you that provides this product.


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