ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Black Friday Deals

Friday, August 29, 2008

Black Friday Deals

Christmas is less than 5 months away, yes I know it seems like it was only yesterday and you are probably still paying off your many purchases from last year but it's time to start getting ready for this years big event. We are trying to watch our spending a lot better this year and will be working harder to budget. We have begun watching the flyers and websites every week in search for the great deals. We have been working on a wish list of items the kids would like to have and are just waiting for the hot deals. Typically the best deals hit on black Friday the day after thanksgiving when every retailer kicks their holiday push for business into high gear. Historically this is the day that retailers begin to make a profit for the year. Using websites like allows you to find out what all the retailers will be offering on black Friday and the best part is you can purchase them right on line so no more overnight camp outs in the parking lots waiting in line for the doors to open up. Another bonus you don't have to pick and choose your deals between retailers because you are shopping in the comfort of your own home you don't have to drive between stores. This season we are shopping for a new lap top and a digital camera, normally we see great deals on everything electronic from
Staples. We are eagerly anticipating the deals and the savings, for sure this is going to be a Merry Christmas, where will you be on Black Friday? With the economy the way it is this year the deals are sure to be better than ever before as retailers will be hungry to drive their top line and will be out to score the best sales results and we can all be the benefactors of these deals.

1 comment:

Kim Gail said...
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