ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: Tim's Rim Roller

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tim's Rim Roller

Have you seen the new Rim Roller device to help you roll up your rim on your favorite Tim Horton Coffee Cup. I saw these today at the local Zellers Store and they are being sold for 2.49, this is an interesting marketing gimmic on one of the best marketing promotions in Canada. Everyone loves RRRRRoll up the RRRRRRim to win. This little divice goes down over the side of you cup and when you pull it up it cuts the sides and pull up the rim to reveal your play again (oops I mean prize). What do you think of this idea, I'd love to hear your opinion.


Carrie said...

Great idea! Maybe if I buy one for my mother she will stop rolling the rim with her

Rose DesRochers said...

I noticed that and was going to buy one. lol

Dan Nawrocki said...

Which department is it in, because I demand one.