ss_blog_claim=f03ad9cc4c418e00f4e4bd5b5ef4d63e The Interesting View: October 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ay Matie, where's my gold

Halloween is just around the corner and my son decided he would like to dress up as a pirate this year. Of course he thinks it would be a great idea to have a big bag of gold coins and a tresure map to take along with him. Now he found my bag of old coins that I got from my Grandfather years ago but I don't think I really want him taking those out trick or treating. It did make me think that I should check out my coins and see what they are worth. Gold is a very good investment right now as the mined quantities each year is not keeping up with demand which is driving up the value of gold in general. To find out the best investment opportunities check with the experts like those at the US Gold Bureau to find the best sources of investment and have your investment shipped direct to your or stored until you are ready for it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Helper at work

Yesterday the kids had the day off school which threw us for a bit of a curveball. Normally on Friday my wife has Zumba and didn't want to miss. Our daughter wanted to take the class with her and our youngest knew there would be some friends there to hang out with today so he was good. But Kohl didn't want to go, so he came down to work and helped out with our fundraiser for Christmas daddies that we were having. He had a great time serving popcorn to the kids and helping getting everything set up. He also got the lunch room ready for everyone and set up the drinks and snacks. A very busy day indeed, brings back memories from a few years ago when he would help out when his baby brother had doctor appointments.

pop wars

It seems like it has been a reason for debate my entire life, what is better coke or pepsi. It rages on even today ad in our home there is the debate of what to buy when it comes to pop beverage. I am a coke drinker with my drink of choice being coke zero while my wife is a die hard diet pepsi drinker. We can compromise with me usually drinking diet pepsi bit what do you think, where do your loyalties lie?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A beautiful education

If you are searching for an exciting new career in the beauty industry start by getting the quality education from the best available sources. The growing campus base of cosmetology school in Phoenix, Regency Beauty Institute has grown to reach 19 states with over 80 locations and is continueing to expand regularily. Students are provided with high quality training and provide discounted salon services to the public under excellant trained supervison. They also provide their students with placement assistance, can you imagine the excitement of working on a cruise ship or working the runways of the best fashion shows in the world. Take the first step in your career and contact Regency for more information on their programs and how they can help you.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051

Mr. Mom

What would you think if your father in law showed up wearing this to the camp ground. Always looking to create some comedy moments he decided to try on a pretty bathing suit and added the touch of the pink hat. He approached a couple of French gentleman walking down the road to the beach and tried to have a conversation with them. What a laugh they couldn't get away from them fast enough. He's already warned us that next year will be the bikini watch.

Father In Law

We were talking about getting back to our family summer vacation and I remembered this moment from 2 summers ago

I have a fun lovin' FIL, this is what greeted us at the camp ground when we arrived, he had his rain hat in full gear and his cooking gloves ready to cook. There were many more funny moments from the comedian that I will share with you later on. If you can't laugh at yourself what have you got.

Visit My Perspective

Smart investment

The experts at the United States Gold Bureau have been helping investors just like you make smart choices when it comes your investments. Gold and Silver have long been used for monetary as well as beauty. With the available above ground stock piles diminishing rapidly there has never been a better time than right now to make smart investment choices. They can help you find available bullion and arrange for your immediate delivery or storage depending on what you need. Many investments are risky so why risk your future, Gold and silver have been an extreamly reliable investment option for generations. It's your money so make sure to invest it wisely.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's back...mushroom melt

Oh I love this time of year, my favorite snack is back the bacon mushroom melt from Wendy's. It seems like all year we wait for this yummy bacon, cheese burger with mushroom delight. I hope every year that it will stay on the menu but every year I get disappointed and it disappears. It's one of those things you have to enjoy it while it lasts.

Mr. Big Snack Cakes

We found a new favorite treat while out at the grocery store last weekend we came across a sample booth that was giving out bites of the new Mr. Big Snack Cakes. They were delicious and even better they were on sale 2 for $5 and had a coupon for 75 cents off each box. We were in chocolate heaven all weekend, yummy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What opportunity

There has never been a better time to buy gold and gold bullion than right now. With available reserves depleating it has drivin demand up and the price will continue to climb as the available resource continues to be used up. The experts at the US Gold Bureau can help you find, purchase and store your gold purchase, if you prefer they can even arrange storage for you until you are ready to use your gold. It can be a very good investment that will grow over time and provide you with a safety net for years to come. All your dreams can really be gold if your investments are smart and you use professional help like the US gold bureau to help you with your choices.

The whole ten yards

I haven't seen this movie yet but loved the original whole 9 yards staring Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry. It's boarder line moronic but the story is pretty funny, I'm now sitting here on a Sunday Afternoon and found the whole 10 yards on TV so I think it should be a fun afternoon, I can't wait to see how this one turns out.

Snow Suit Deals

Well I found a great deal today, we were out shopping for new ski suits for the kids and the mall had a promotion on that if you spent 150 on any Sunday in October you would get 2 movie passes for the local theatre. Now also the SportChek had a promotion that gave you a $50 gift card for buying snow suits over 250. So we got 2 snow suits for the kids and got the gift card for my wifes snow suit and 2 passes for the movies. I think we got a pretty good deal overall, now next Sunday we will go get my wifes ski jacke and save the $50 and get 2 more passes for the movies and another $50 card to start it all over again. Love to save.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Frustraiting Drug Companies

I find it so incredible what big business can get away with, you would think with all the supposed agencies that are created to ensure products go through strict testing before it hits the market that we still find out that many of the drugs that are made to help people actually make things worse. I read recently about Trasylol lawsuit that have started to be filed. Trasylol is a drug that is used to control blood loss in heart surgeries but recently use of this drug has been linked to kidney damage, heart attacks and even strokes. Another drug that has been linked to lawsuits is for the drug Accutane. Accutane Lawsuit have been filed and some settlements have been issued. Accutane is a drug used to treat cystic acne and has been linked to Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Crohn's Disease. There are so many other examples of drugs that have been meant to help to only find out later they cause more damage than good.

Kitchen Renovations

After nearly a year of renovations on our kitchen we are finally nearing the end of our project. Now mind you we took about 6 months off to save up some more money but again it is almost done. We got the last of our doors from the local millwork store yesterday and are in the process now of staining and varnishing them. We are hoping to get them hinged tommorrow and than we will only have the drawers left to build, which we bought the parts for today. It will be so nice to finally have the kitchen finished once and for all.

Hallowen Decorations

It is that time of year again, we love so much around our house as we have young kids. The Halloween decorations have been brought out of storage this weekend and we are setting them all up between today and tommorrow. Halloween is such a short season though and come November 1st we will be converting over to our most favorite season Christmas. This year we have all new Christmas Decorations changing from our blue and silver decorations to brown and gold, I can hardly wait for November